Calvin Hutcheon

Design Systems


Product Designer

Design System Wins

The Xalgorithms Foundation required a cohesive experience across its applications and websites, leading to the creation of a design system aimed at ensuring consistency, usability, while facilitating design and development. The goal was to improve accessibility, multi-lingual functionality, and brand conformance.

assets in privacy spiralassets in privacy spiralassets in privacy spiral
$ yarn add xf-material-components
// App.js

    import Logo from 'xf-material-components'

    function App() {
        return (
            <div className="App">
                <Logo />

The design system streamlined the design processes, ensured consistency and facilitated collaboration. Additionally, the creation of a React component library, a raw CSS guide, and a Hugo Template streamlined development and made open source contribution easier and more consistent across frameworks.

$ hugo new site quickstart

Next, add the template as a submodule.

$ cd quickstart
    $ git init
    $ git submodule add

Include the theme in the config.

$ echo 'theme = "xf-material-theme"' >> config.toml

In conclusion, the design system successfully addressed the need for a cohesive user experience across the Xalgorithms Foundation by focusing on accessibility, multi-lingual use cases, and consistency, while simultaneously streamlining design and development processes.

assets in privacy spiralassets in privacy spiral
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